Samstag, 12. März 2011

sun worshipper.

Went to the fleamarket today....finally again!!
I´m really hurting for going thrifting after the winter season, 
it´s been way too long since the last time.
Today i was a bit later than usual and normally i get bugged quickly when i do that, because there are just too many people after 8 o´clock and you have to coil your way between them while looking for hidden treasures.
But today i was so glad about the shining sun and all the fancy people, that you don´t meet before 9...
I bought a small ceramic bowl as a feeding dish for ma cats. It´s baby pink!
My cats and me and H. are all enjoying the great weather and the sunshine.
Now i´m in the mood for taking pictures...

8 Kommentare:

Nicky hat gesagt…

Mmmmm, sun and spring really here? Lovely photos!

Sophia hat gesagt…

du hast eine tulpe? schön :) ich hätt auch gern eine, bringt den frühling in die wohnung herein.
bis bald

Julia hat gesagt…

ist der strauß vom papa zum geburtstag :)

Unknown hat gesagt…

I love flea markets in the morning ~ the excitement of the find and the prettiness of being outside at the early hour...

Belle Fleur de Lis hat gesagt…

Your picturs are lovely. I love thrifting to very much ! It is nice to see parts of your plants and your cat is cute she or he is enjoy the sunlight so much : )

Julia hat gesagt…

thanks lotte! and its a girl named "snusnu" :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

her name is cute too : )

Kate hat gesagt…

I love your photos! Especially the one with the leaves.