Went to Kritzendorf on saturday with Jacqueline to buy some fabric.
On the way we saw these awesome old locomotives...
there was also a "Tanz-wagon" (=dance-waggon) trailed!
This morning i made this bag, which is supposed to
carry Jacquelines towel and stuff when she goes swimming.
I think it turned out pretty well and she was very happy about it, too.
So finally tomorrow morning i will leave Vienna
to go on the trip to France, Spain and Portugal with Lisa.
My backpack contains everything i will probably need
during the next 7 weeks.... including my hammok,
diving goggles, a snorkel, chargers for my cameras
and lots of drawers^^
I will miss reading my favourite blogs, but
i´m looking forward to catch up on all the new posts in September!
Also I´ll try to make some posts during the trip!
Have a terrific summer everyone!